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A Bookish Blog

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Beneath The Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn

Beneath The Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn
Paperback352 pages
Published March 6th 2018 by Fleming H. Revell Company
If you caught my blog yesterday, I said this review was coming soon. :) 

This was a fantastic, keep you on the edge of your seat ride! I have read Lynn's earlier Love Inspired Suspense books and I thoroughly enjoyed them. When I heard she was releasing a full length novel I was excited to give it a read. I am so glad I did. Her main female character Leigh being adopted as a baby from China(how cool is that?). It's also chock full of several laugh out lines, my favorite being:
"And something other than Coke to drink." 
"I like it."
"That stuff can kill you."
"It's going to have to get in line."
Since I am a major coke drinker that back and forth tickled my funny bone!

I also adored the fact that the main male character's nephew had autism. He doesn't play a major role but still being someone affected by autism, that was a nice addition. I also loved the character of Mr. Cook. He was a no nonsense kind of guy who aided Leigh and Ryan early in the book. I would have liked to see more of him. The mystery was intense and kept me guessing throughout. Very well written, and that is coming from someone who reads and watches a LOT of mysteries.

All in all, this was a can't miss mystery and I am eagerly looking forward to the next books in this series....and so is my husband who read the book before I good get my hands on it! 

Stay tuned for my next review, "The Weaver's Daughter" by Sarah Ladd


  1. I really enjoyed this one, too! I'm loving reading your reviews, keep up the great work! 😀
